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Behind the News: Daily News Application for Young Readers

ianuarie 30, 2015

For English speaking readers obviously. We at Mediawise Society will follow the news-o-matic too and return with some feedback. So far we very much like the blend of professionals working for the project – journalists, educators and entrepreneurs. The quote below explain very clearly the function and goal of the website. Enjoy it along with your kids and send us feedback in the comments below or try a new discussion thread in our FoRUM!-)

Built by dedicated journalists, educators, and entrepreneurs, Press4Kids (P4K) is a publisher of daily news applications for young readers. Press4Kids was incorporated in 2012, and our team shares the goal of informing children about current news and world events — and inspiring them to read on a daily basis.

We devoted a great deal of time and energy to ensure that our final products seamlessly combine literacy, fun, reading opportunities, and gamification to produce an engaging and interactive learning experience.